
Did I miss something? Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay nominations?? C'mon, Academy, you're kidding, right??
As you could probably guess, I was incredibly unimpressed with Brokeback Mountain. I was very curious to see it because it was so hyped and "controversial" (ooohhhh). The night I went to see it, the consensus among my friends I was with (three ladies, mind you) was to either see Brokeback Mountain or Casanova. You can see why I chose to see it that night - you couldn't get me to see Casanova trailer, let along the whole unnecessary, travesty of a movie that I'm sure it is.
Anyways, the biggest, and I mean like elephantitis-huge, problem I had with this film was the fact that both Jake Gyllenhaal's character and Heath Ledger's character both cheated on their wives and carried out an affair over several decades. Gyllenhaal's character did not tie the knot until after his obsession with Ledger's character started, so I'll give him a little leeway on that. But Ledger's character was already married to Michelle Williams' character and he continued the affair while his children wondered where he really went on his annual "fishing trip". How can I sympathize for these two characters who had to hide their unaccepted-at-the-time love/lust for each other when they lied and cheated to their wives about it??? Sorry, but my sympathy vote goes to the wives on this one.
I think and hope it will win the Oscar for Cinematography because there were some unbelievable shots in this film. I agree with a nomination for Jake Gyllenhaal (Supporting Actor), Heath Ledger (Actor), and Michelle Williams (Supporting Actress), and they all have a shot at winning, but Best Picture & Screenplay are not justified at all. I just couldn't see the qualities and directing style-points that would put them ahead of the other nominees.
Oscar will probably not agree with me and will follow the hype-machine that we call Hollywood by awarding the statues to Brokeback Mountain for Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay and there is nothing I can really do about. But, when and if it happens, and you hear an agonzing scream, it's me.
If I were running the show, Crash would win Best Picture. An unbelievably moving film where the characters force you to get emotionally involved in them. Crash was flying under the radar until Oscar talk started a few months ago. Sounds like the opposite of that other movie, huh?
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