You Can't Have a Good Time Without The T

It's time to vent.
So last Wednesday started like any other normal Wednesday: I hit the snooze bar four times, got ready for work, while begrudgingly glancing at my still-warm bed, threw together a lunch and headed outside for another day in the big world.
I stood waiting for the T with every else with my iPod slowing waking me with my Work Day - Morning playlist on shuffle and my copy of the Metro in hand. T pulls up.....sweet - I get a seat today. I get to Porter and an older woman (in her 60's maybe) takes the seat to my left wearing a huge puffy jacket. She then proceeds to remove her jacket, while sitting, and The Big Puffy Jacket is practically making out with me. But do I say anything to the lady about keeping her jacket off of me? No. Remember this bit of information.
45 sconds later, I get a tap-tap-tap on my left shoulder.
Lady: "Could you please turn your music down a little?"
Me: "Sure."
I'm a reasonable guy, so I grant her her wish and turn my iPod down with a turn or two of the wheel......
30 seconds later......tap-tap-tap again.
Lady: "Can you turn it down some more?"
Me: "I'm sorry, but I really won't be able to hear it anymore if I turn it down any lower."
Lady: "Well, you're listening to your music AND reading the newspaper, entertaining yourself. You don't need to entertain me too."
I kid you not. Her exact words.
I just gave a shake of my head in disbelief and looked away. I was the bigger person in the situation and decided to keep my mouth shut.
I wonder how many people she bothers on the T each day. I guess she doesn't realize that it is PUBLIC transportation and you cannot go around telling people what to do just because something petty is bothering you. Who does this??
So if you see the woman with the The Big Puffy Jacket getting on the T at Porter Square, you're forewarned.
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