Chef Quits

Soul singer Isaac Hayes said Monday he was quitting his job as the voice of the lusty character "Chef" on the satiric cable TV cartoon "South Park," citing the show's "inappropriate ridicule" of religion.
But series co-creator Matt Stone said the veteran recording artist was upset the show had recently lampooned the Church of Scientology, of which Hayes is an outspoken follower.
"In ten years and over 150 episodes of 'South Park,' Isaac never had a problem with the show making fun of Christians, Muslim, Mormons or Jews," Stone said in a statement issued by the Comedy Central network.
Comedy Central spokesman Tony Fox said producers have not decided whether Chef would be dropped from the show or continued with another actor supplying his voice.
Can't you see Matt Parker & Trey Stone having a field day with this? Maybe an untimely death for Chef? An episode ridiculing Isaac Hayes? I guess we'll just have to wait and see how good it will actually get.
If this is the last we'll see of Chef, he'll be missed...even though he is a brain-washed Scientologist.
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